Alasdair Allan
The coming privacy crisis on the Internet of Things
Cóilín Nunan
Change farming and save our antibiotics
Cormac Russell
Sustainable community development: shifting the focus from what’s wrong to what’s strong
Fiona McNae
“Do you know what I mean?” Taking responsibility for being understood
Jonathon Porritt
Sustainability for all
Lily Lapenna
It’s not all about Chicken and Chips
Lucy Clayton
All the rage - why dressing up helps us speak out
Madhumita Murgia Featured on
How data brokers sold my identity
Michelle Ryan
Work-life balance: balancing time or balancing identity?
Neil Lawrence
Living together: Mind and machine intelligence
Patrick Grant
Why we should all feel uncomfortable in our clothes
Raia Hadsell
Artificial intelligence, video games and the mysteries of the mind
Rob Hopkins
My Town in Transition
Rob Wilson
Ending food waste one beer at a time
Sabine Hauert
Engineering swarms to solve global problems: From robots to nanoparticles
Thore Graepel
The human pursuit of artificial intelligence
Tom Crompton
The Conscience Industry
Usman Haque
Making decisions about technologies that make decisions about us
Vicki Culpin
A wake up call: this talk should send you to sleep!
Virginie Helias
Hope in a (plastic) bottle: from beach to bathroom