Alex Kenmure
Getting fit by doing good
Allyson Pollock
Privatisation of the NHS
Anna Frost
Raising adventurous and brave children
Ben Eaton
Bring the happy
Carmel McConnell
Can we end child hunger in the 6th richest economy?
Carrie Clarke
Sparking Connections – Ways to Find Beauty, Joy and Meaning in Dementia
Chris Turner
When rudeness in teams turns deadly
Cóilín Nunan
Change farming and save our antibiotics
Dawn Faizey Webster
Fighting back one blink at a time: living with Locked-In Syndrome
Declan Bates
Systems Medicine
Gill Hayes
Depression, Suicide and the Power of Hope
Hannah Barham-Brown
Disability and work: Let’s stop wasting talent
Hazel Stuteley
From Isolation to Transformation
Jenny Sealey
Joel Gibbard
A helping hand with prosthetics
Kat McHale
Facing life and death, with cancer
Naimah Hassan
Breaking the silence on FGM
Rachel McKendry
Going viral: the digital future of public health
Rebekah Afari
I’m deaf, but we can still talk
Shanna Dawes
The Power of Dance
Sonia Livingstone
How children engage with the internet
Vicki Culpin
A wake up call: this talk should send you to sleep!
Vik Mohan
How listening to communities can help save our oceans